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ItemLineInCart Entity

The ItemLineInCart entity describes a number of selected Items in a specific Cart.

The ItemLineInCart entity is scoped under Cart. Refer to the introduction to the Cart Entity for further details.

ItemLineInCart Fields

The ItemLineInCart entity defines the following fields:

owned by Cart Each instance belongs to a specific Cart.
ItemLineSequence Hidden sequence number of Items within Cart.
Quantity Number of Items ordered. This number must be greater than zero.
ItemLineAmount Derived field displaying the calculated amount of an Item Line. It is a part of the implementation of the WebShop pattern to modify the scoped derivation function to calculate the value of the ItemLineAmount field.
refers to Item Item specified by line.

ItemLineInCart Inheritance

The ItemLineInCart entity inherits from Abstract.DataAccess, FOUNDATION/SurrogateOwned, FOUNDATION/OwnedCascade, and FOUNDATION/EditDetail.